This meeting was hosted online.
Present: Bini Joshi Barr (BJB); Alasdair Bell (AB); Alice Broome (AB2); Neil Brophy (NB); Paul Cuffe (PC); Paul Cooney (PC2); Philip Ross (PR); Tristan Wooler (TW); Ben Drage (Guest)
Apologies: Stephen Booth (SB); Emily Broome (EB); Paul Cuffe (PC); Steven Downes (SD)
Previous Minutes
The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the previous meeting.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
General Discussion Ben Drage, a student doing a dissertation on the impact of covid on footballers and football fans, asked the Board open questions on how fans and fans' organisations had been impacted by COVID.
Board Roles
AB had sent a summary of Board roles that would traditionally form the structure of a supporter’s trust such as HTSA. New board members elected at the recent AGM were given the chance to outline what their interests were and what they would like to contribute towards HTSA.
The following roles were agreed:
Co-Chairs: Alasdair Bell and Bini Barr
Treasurer: Alasdair Bell (until someone wanted to take the role on)
Secretary: Paul Cooney
Sustainability: Tristan Wooler
Women’s Officer: Emily Broome
Media Officer: Phil Ross
Memberships: Neil Brophy and Phil Ross
Governance: Tristan Wooler and Alice Broome.
Heritage: Alice Broome
ATT Panel
The Board agreed that they were happy with the following items being put on the next agenda for the next ATT panel meeting:
Return to Stadium Protocols
Supporter Representation/Input on the Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
Governance Reform (‘Sustain The Game’ Proposals)
Heritage Project
AB2 provided an update on the Heritage Project, saying the website would be ready for launch in summer 2021.
AB suggested thatHTSA should look into sharing its Zoom account with other community organisatons to cut down on monthly costs (currently £14.39).