This meeting was hosted online.
Present: Alasdair Bell (AB); Neil Brophy (NB); Paul Cuffe (PC); Paul Cooney (PC2); Philip Ross (PR); Tristan Wooler (TW)
Apologies: Stephen Booth (SB); Alice Broome (AB2); Emily Broome (EB); Steven Downes (SD); Bini Joshi Barr (BJB);
Previous Minutes
The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the previous meeting.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
AB has created the e-Membership card template and sent it to the Board. All approved the design with the suggestion that if possible the HTSA logo should be enlarged.
PC2 is checking membership requests via e-mail every 2 days and now passes on such requests to AB, NB and PR for follow-up. PC2 is also checking the contact e-mail address at the same time to ensure we respond quickly to other matters.
Robert Pepper has sent his list of HTSA Lifetime Members to PR to compare it with the member database and take appropriate action.
PR raised the need to record date of birth for junior members. We should also need to decide about auto-renewals of memberships.
Sustainable Stadium Campaign
TW has contacted Gareth Davies and he (GD) is aiming to restart the Sustainability Working Group meetings in the near future.
The Operations Manager at KSDL, Phil Armitage, informed TW that he was ordering new recycle bins. TW will email him for an update on this.
TW suggested that the Hull City game on 16th October would be a good one to publicise and action our Pledgeball commitment.
The travel survey would be shared on 2nd September.
Robert Pepper had suggested to AB that the Stoke game on 11th September would be a good one to use to restart our travel service, being relatively close and considering our current form.
2021 AGM
HTSA is planning to hold its AGM in November or December. It will be hosted online. AB will ask all current Board members if they intend to stay on in the role, (they were elected to a 3-year term), and seek new nominees to fill any vacancies we may have. It was agreed to ask someone from the Leeds United Supporters Trust to oversee the Election Management Group.
PC, PR and AB agreed to organise the event, with TW assisting on publicity and social media.
There was a discussion about the Blackpool Supporters Trust offer to provide free tickets if they owned the club. This was a pledge made after the pitch invasion in the 2014/15 season when they protested about their owners, causing the game to be abandoned.
Foodbank donation points: HTSA to promote for the next home game.
NB offered to help improve the action tracker and AB will send it to him after PC has completed the notes of this meeting.
The Board agreed to offer HTDSC members free membership of HTSA and PC2 will raise this at their meeting next week.
Heritage Project
At the request of the club, and after a discussion with artist Peter O'Toole, the Board agreed to request £750 from the Foundation heritage funds to fund a mural design that HTSA can reuse. The mural will be placed in the South Stand and focus on the contribution made by fans to the club's history.